Anyways, to the charts, as I am studying the characteristics of volume to price movements, one of the simple things I track is primary market total volume as seen in this chart. I look for extreme readings and divergences, first take a look at the extreme low readings we have had, most have produced a market top for the VST (very short term)
We had a bullish divergence before the March lows before the rally signaling a possible market bottom, same with July another bullish divergence formed, that could have signaled that some strength was going to carry this market back up to new highs.
Now this is just a simple chart, their is much more complex charts, like up/down volume among many others that give you a little clearer picture. But this is a good entry point to start in volume analysis, as I am seeing volume is a HUGE key to picking market direction and a powerful tool once you begin to use it correctly.